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40+ Rejection Texts To Send After Awful Dates

It’s never fun to get rejected — or to reject someone else. However, you can soften the blow and make sure that there are no hard feelings by sending the right text. It’s a much better option than ghosting or sending mixed messages because at least they will know where you stand. Of course, even the best rejection text is going to sting, but your honesty will help them move on and find someone perfect for them. Luckily, you don’t need to hire a dating coach in order to learn the best way to send a rejection message. Here are some helpful tips on how to craft rejection texts after a bad date:

Honest Rejection Texts

woman holding starbucks disposable cup and smartphone
Unsplash / Guilherme Stecanella
  • Thanks for hanging out last night, but I think you deserve someone who fits you better. I’m sure you’ll find them soon!
  • I don’t think we make a good match. At least, not on a romantic level. I would love to stay friends, though.
  • Hey! I don’t want to send mixed messages, so I wanted to be honest and let you know that you seem great but I’m not really feeling the chemistry.
  • I think we’re on the same page about how horribly tonight went haha. But I know you’re going to find someone great soon!
  • I had so much fun last night, but I didn’t feel a romantic connection. Maybe we could stay friends?
  • You’re such a great person, so I don’t want to hurt you, but it would be unfair to give you false hope. Unfortunately, I just can’t picture us working out.
  • I had such a fun night! You’re clearly an awesome person, but I’m not looking for anything serious right now.
  • I hope this doesn’t come out wrong, but I think we would be better off as friends. I loved talking to you and hope we can hang out again in the future.
  • I think we both know we make no sense as a couple, but I’m totally cool with being your friend.
  • I had a great time last night. Unfortunately, I’m not in a place to date right now.

Rejection Texts To Send After Three Dates Or More

woman in orange long sleeve shirt and white shorts sitting on white bench
Unsplash / Dominic Sansotta
  • You’ve been so great to me, but I don’t think I can give you what you need. I hope you find someone who makes you as happy as you deserve!
  • To be honest, it’s been really hard juggling dating and work lately. I think I need to focus on myself for a while.
  • I really like you but the timing couldn’t have been worse. I’m really not ready for a relationship right now.
  • I’m sorry if I sent you any mixed signals but I think we’re better off as friends.
  • I hope this isn’t awkward, but I think we should see other people.
  • I hate to do this over text but I don’t think we should see each other anymore.
  • Our friendship means the world to me. I don’t want to ruin it by dating.
  • It’s been so nice getting to know you but I don’t think going out again is a good idea. I hope you understand.
  • These last few weeks have been incredible, but I really need to focus on me for a while.
  • I’m not interested in a relationship right now, but let me know if you ever want to hang out as friends!

Rejection Texts To Let Them Down Easy

woman smiling while using her phone
Unsplash / Eugene Chystiakov
  • I’m so grateful we had the chance to get to know each other, but I can’t picture a future for us.
  • Hey, I don’t want you wondering whether you did something wrong because you were so much fun last night. I just don’t think we make a great fit.
  • I’m sorry that last night didn’t work out. But I hope you find your person soon!
  • I don’t want to waste your time and send mixed signals, so I think this is goodbye.
  • I hope this isn’t weird but I feel like I owe you an explanation. You seem like a great person, but I don’t think you’re great for me.
  • I don’t think seeing each other again is a good idea. I sense that you feel the same way, so good luck out there!
  • I’m so glad we had the chance to meet. We might not make a great fit but at least we had some fun while it lasted!
  • Ready for an awkward message? I don’t think we should see each other again. I’m so sorry, but I know you’ll find someone great for you soon.
  • Honestly, that date was better than most that I’ve been on, but I still don’t feel a strong connection. I hope you understand.
  • After getting to know each other, I’ve realized I’m not interested in another date. We have too many differences to make this work, but I wish you the best!

More Rejection Texts You Can Send

woman squatting on grass field while using white smartphone
Unsplash / Persnickety Prints
  • I’ve been thinking about our date and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to go out again. I hope there’s no hard feelings.
  • I don’t want to waste your time when we’re not a good match, but thanks for so much fun the other night!
  • I don’t want to ghost you, so I just want to say it was great to hear from you and I hope you find someone great in the future!
  • Ultimately, I don’t think we make a great couple. But I would love if we could still hang out and stay friends.
  • Our date was so refreshing. It’s a reminder there’s good people out there. But I don’t think we’re a great match.
  • You’ve been such a great friend to me. Unfortunately, I think we should stay friends.
  • I don’t think I can give you what you want, but I’m sure there’s someone out there who can.
  • Thanks again for dinner! I hope, next time, you go out with someone who makes you as happy as you deserve!
  • It’s really not you, it’s me. I need to stay single for a while. I’m sorry.
  • I don’t think things are going to work out between us, but I’m so glad we had the chance to meet up.
  • I think we both know things aren’t going to work out between us. But I’m glad we gave it a shot!

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