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Here’s Every Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope For March 2022

Aries – When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to deal with a massive shift in your universe. You will leave certain things (or people) behind and move onto bigger and better opportunities. Then, when the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to feel a surge in motivation. You’ll have the energy to take on projects that you’ve been dreaming about for years. You won’t let anything hold you back because you’ll feel unstoppable. Overall, this month is going to bring you closer than ever to achieving your dreams.

Taurus When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to be struck with brilliant artistic ideas. You’ll experience inspiration and motivation that you’ve been lacking the last few months, which will give you the energy to work toward your dreams. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to feel a surge in your confidence. You are going to stop overthinking and second guessing every move you make. Overall, this month will be a productive one for you, as long as you’re willing to put in the work.

Gemini When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to feel exhaustion setting in. The best thing you can do for yourself during this time is rest. Let yourself recharge so that you’re able to tackle future projects with your full energy. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to experience a change in your priorities. Certain dreams will stop mattering to you as new ones will take form. Overall, this month is going to help you decide what you do and don’t want moving forward.

Cancer When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to have the urge to start living your most authentic life. You will struggle to keep your feelings inside for any longer and will let the world know how you feel. There won’t be any more secrets trapped inside you, causing you extra stress. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to be swamped with work. You might feel a little overwhelmed at first, but you should remember to reach out for help when you need it. Overall, this month is about being honest about how you feel and what you need from your loved ones.

Leo When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to have the urge to be intimate — emotionally and physically. You can deal with these urges by doing something sweet for your partner or crush. Make them feel special. Remind them how much you care without holding anything back. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to feel a little bit restless. You will have the urge to try something new or travel to a new place, but you don’t want to be too spontaneous. Remember to think before you leap. Overall, this month will bring you closer to your lover and the friends that you have been missing.

Virgo When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to feel enlightened. A problem that you’ve been dealing with for a while will start to have an obvious solution. You will realize what you have to do in order to move forward in your life happier and healthier than ever. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to have some problems with boundaries. Some people will try to take advantage of your kind nature — but you cannot allow it. You need to speak your mind and reassert your boundaries. Overall, this month is about taking care of yourself, even if others aren’t happy about it.

Libra When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you will come up with a genius idea that might help make you money (or at least reignite an old passion). If you put in the work, then you might end up surprising yourself and everyone around you with your newfound level of success. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to have love on your mind. You might feel tempted to make sacrifices for someone who has your heart, but you have to remember that your needs matter too. You cannot give up your happiness for theirs. Overall, this month is about letting yourself be selfish.

Scorpio When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to have some learning to do. You will educate yourself on important matters in order to become a more well-rounded, enlightened human. It might take some work, but the payoff will be great later in the year. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to feel a surge of motivation. You will stop procrastinating and start taking action. Those little tasks that you’ve been dreading will finally get done. Overall, this month is going to help you grow into a better, brighter person.

Sagittarius When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, nothing will really change. You’re already on an exciting path, and this month, you will continue doing what you have already started. You will stay consistent and inch closer toward your dreams. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to feel your confidence skyrocket. You’ll start believing in yourself and your abilities. You might even take a risk that you’ve been nervous about because you finally realize you have what it takes to succeed. Overall, this month is about working hard and recognizing your own worth.

Capricorn When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to have the urge to be social. Even though you usually keep to yourself, you will search for opportunities to surround yourself with new and old friends. You will break out of your shell and have some fun for a change. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to receive the break you’ve been craving. Your work will slow down for a short period, giving you the chance to focus on yourself and your loved ones. Overall, this month is about play, not work.

Aquarius When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to experience a transformation. This might be emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual. Either way, you need to be open to change when it presents itself to you. Do not shy away from the unknown, simply because it’s easier to keep doing what you’ve always done. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to feel unstoppable. Your doubts will start to fade as you learn how to navigate new areas of your life. You’ll start believing that anything is possible. Overall, this month is about staying strong emotionally.

Pisces When the New Moon moves into Pisces on March 2, you are going to be less emotional than usual. You are going to be thinking logically, and making decisions that serve you the best, regardless of what others want. This is a rare time when you’ll be thinking with your head over your heart. When the sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off Aries season, you are going to be as stubborn as a ram. You won’t want to make certain changes, even though they would be good for you. But you have to push past your own doubts and do the right thing, not the easy thing. Overall, this month is about making choices that benefit your future.

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