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Your Weekly Horoscope For September 24 – October 1


This week, give up on the idea of getting closure. Sometimes, you need to heal without answers. You need to accept that there are some questions that will remain a mystery, and that is entirely okay.


This week, try your hardest to go with the flow. Stay flexible. Even though you prefer to have a strict plan, life isn’t always going to go the way you expect. You need to learn how to adapt better to your circumstances or you are going to end up miserable.


This week, avoid spending time with people who drain you. Even though you feel bad turning down invites and declining to help others, you’re allowed to hang out alone. You don’t need an excuse. You can do what you want to do without justifying it.


This week, play an active role in your existence. Don’t passively let others make decisions for you. Figure out what you want – and demand it. It’s okay to be a little selfish, a little greedy. It’s okay to consider yourself a priority.


This week is a good time to reorganize. Do some cleaning around the house, declutter your desk and fridge, and figure out a schedule that works better for you. Don’t put this off for any longer because it could completely change your mood.


This week, remember that everything is temporary. The pain you’re experiencing is not going to last forever. It’s eventually going to fade. You’re going to be in a better place eventually, so hold onto your hope.


This week, focus on the progress you’ve made instead of the goals you’ve yet to complete. Remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. You are getting there slowly but surely, and those baby steps are still steps you should be proud of.


This week, love loudly. Tell the people that you care about the most how much they mean to you. Don’t wait until a special occasion to shower them with praise. Let them know that they are valued and adored today.


This week, stay consistent. Don’t give up on your goals, simply because you haven’t seen the results you’ve been wanting. You need to keep at it if you want to succeed, so keep going. Keep moving. Keep believing.


This week, expect reciprocation. If someone is unwilling to give you the same level of energy that you’re giving them, walk away. Save your time and effort for people who actually deserve it.


This week, take things slow. Don’t rush. Don’t run from place to place. Don’t overbook your schedule. Give yourself permission to move at a leisurely pace, to stop and smell the roses instead of trampling over them.


This week, lead with love. Try to spread kindness everywhere you go because you never know what other people are dealing with behind closed doors. You never know how badly they need one kind word.

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