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Narcissists Are Different from Psychopaths In These 7 Powerful Ways

One of the most common questions I get asked as a researcher specializing in narcissism and psychopathy is what the difference between a narcissist and a psychopath is. While each person is different and some people may have traits of both narcissism and psychopathy, here are some general distinctions that can help you better identify whether you may be dealing with someone who has more narcissistic or psychopathic traits. Keep in mind that “psychopathy” and “sociopathy” are terms mentioned under the umbrella of Antisocial Personality Disorder in the DSM-5 and do not have their own separate diagnosis. However, the term “psychopath” is used by researchers and clinicians frequently across correctional and legal contexts. It is diagnosed using Dr. Robert Hare’s 20-item Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), a checklist that includes more of the callous-unemotional features of psychopathy. In contrast, the DSM-5 diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder emphasizes more law-breaking behavior which may not apply to every psychopath. Not all those who meet the criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder will be full-fledged psychopaths.

Here are the major differences you may notice between narcissists and psychopaths: 

Narcissists crave and need adoration, external validation, and praise. Psychopaths can do without it. 

The heart of narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic traits is a need and sense of entitlement to external validation. Narcissists crave attention, praise, adoration, and a sense of importance. They need others to affirm their importance. Psychopaths on the other hand exhibit more callous-unemotional traits. They are not as concerned as a narcissist is with the opinions of others unless it is important to their agenda, whatever that may be.

Narcissists lack empathy. Psychopaths lack both remorse and empathy, which is why they can commit sadistic violence without as many limits. Both can harm others with their aggression.

Perhaps what makes the psychopath so conscienceless is their lack of remorse as well as empathy. Research shows that psychopaths also have differences in the brain that affect their moral reasoning and that they also lack guilt. This means psychopaths often have nothing holding them back from committing even the most sadistic of crimes. Both narcissists and psychopaths have cognitive empathy and intellectually know the difference between right and wrong, but they simply do not care and lack affective empathy. Both can engage in aggression against others, and psychopaths are very prone to instrumental aggression to achieve a specific purpose (such as conning others). It’s true that more malignant narcissists can lack remorse as well, but lack of remorse and guilt is a defining characteristic of psychopathy whereas there tends to be more variation among narcissists when it comes to remorse and guilt. For example, some vulnerable narcissists may experience shame especially if they are held accountable and exposed to the public, but grandiose narcissists are more like psychopaths in their lack of shame. 

Narcissists and psychopaths – depending on the subtype – can lash out for different reasons, but both engage in aggression and have malicious envy. 

Both narcissists and psychopaths can escalate into violence and both can engage in unprovoked and reactive aggression. Both can also experience malicious envy and target others out of envy according to research. However, there may be differences in why and how they lash out based on the subtype of narcissism or psychopathy involved. Grandiose narcissism is more similar to psychopathy in that both grandiose narcissists and psychopaths are convinced of their superioritythey genuinely believe in it. Psychopaths can manufacture a cold rage to intimidate others, a rage that isn’t truly a “hair-trigger” hot-blooded impulsive rage but one that is exhibited for the purpose of controlling their victims. Research indicates that the traits of grandiose narcissism can protect them against stress or depression. They may be more likely to lash out when their sense of superiority and excessive sense of entitlement are challenged; studies show they show more physiological stress responses when presented with an “ego threat. However, more vulnerable narcissists and the secondary subtype of psychopathy (known colloquially as the criminally inclined “sociopath”) may struggle more with self-esteem issues. Vulnerable narcissists who are more anxious and defensive and secondary psychopaths also lash out, but they may be more likely than grandiose narcissists and primary psychopaths to be battling a sense of inferiority when doing so. Either way, such rage and aggression can cause great harm to others around them and is inexcusable. 

Narcissism can be influenced by parental overvaluation and be partly hereditary as well. Primary psychopaths can be biologically predisposed to psychopathy, but secondary psychopaths are more influenced by their childhood environment.

Longitudinal research suggests that parental overvaluation (spoiling and coddling a child), moreso than lack of parental warmth or parental maltreatment predicts narcissistic traits. The secondary subtype of psychopathy is also more associated with childhood trauma, while the primary psychopath (“born rather than made”) is less likely to report childhood trauma or post-traumatic stress symptoms.

Both narcissists and psychopaths can manufacture chaos on purpose. However, people with a higher level of psychopathic traits may find it especially rewarding because they need constant stimulation and are prone to boredom.

According to expert Dr. Robert Hare’s psychopathy checklist, psychopaths are prone to boredom and require constant stimulation. Some neuroscience studies implicate their hyperactive dopamine system and subsequent need to obtain a reward at all costs to explain the psychopath’s harmful, impulsive, and reckless behavior. Other research contradicts this and reveals reduced dopaminergic receptor sensitivity, suggesting that psychopaths may actually be less responsive to dopamine and therefore require more of it to get a sense of reward. While more neuroscience research is needed on psychopathy, it’s clear that psychopaths have a dysfunctional relationship with gaining rewards if they need constant stimulation to obtain a sense of reward fully. Psychopaths are high-sensation seekers and often go too far in their search for a thrill. Narcissists may engage in less risk and have more limits and constraints on what they’re willing to do to meet their needs because they are focused on maintaining their status and reputation. They’re concerned with “looking” good and propping up their self-image. It should be noted that both narcissists and psychopaths can be superficially charming. For psychopaths, however, this superficial and glib charm is one of the most glaring red flags of their disorder.

Psychopaths (especially the secondary subtype) frequently engage in reckless and impulsive behavior, violating laws and human rights. Psychopaths, especially more impulsive “criminal” secondary psychopaths or “unsuccessful” psychopaths tend to have criminal versatility and juvenile records. These are the types who may have murder, strangulation, fraud, and robbery on their records. The more “successful” low-anxious primary psychopath can also engage in criminal activity but may never be caught, or they may evade legal consequences by conning and leeching off others in a way that technically isn’t “illegal” although it is deceptive. They may romance a partner for a place to live or exploit the monetary resources of their friends. They may engage in fraudulent behaviors in their businesses but fly under the radar. Narcissists may or may not have engaged in criminal activity and tend to engage in more emotional forms of con artistry. They may be more cautious about taking too many risks that might expose them. Remember: narcissists tend to engage in impression management and wear a convincing false mask so they look like a good person to others. They are more restrained by their self-image whereas psychopaths don’t care about their reputation or status.

The Big Picture: Whether the person you know was more narcissistic or psychopathic, you likely experienced some trauma during your relationship with them due to their manipulative behaviors. It’s important to seek professional support and process your experiences in a safe space. You deserve healing and freedom.  

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